Suppose you’re out on a hike or a hunt and you get stranded by weather and you have to just hunker down and tough it out. How do you start a fire to keep warm? Well here’s a great solution I learned from my Dad. He was an avid hunter and fisherman in the Adirondack mountains where I grew up and he showed me this when I was a teenager. These waterproof fire starters are easy to make and can be easily stashed in a back pack or jacket. No matter how wet they get they’ll still be ready to start a fire.
Follow along now as I show you how to make them.
Keep on hackin… and stay warm!
We made something very similar in boy scouts.
1. Take a short round tin can (such as cat food can.)
2. Cut one or more ribbons out of a cardboard box, of width slightly smaller than the height of your can.
3. Roll the cardboard up until it fits snugly into the can. Leave a piece poking out of the center for a “wick”.
4. Fill up the can with molten paraffin.
In an emergency, you can light the wick, and this thing will burn for a VERY long time, providing heat, light or can be used to start a larger fire. You can also put another, larger can, with some strategically cut holes in it, on top of that and cook on it.
My girlfriend said she did the same thing in Girl Scouts. 🙂