1960 Zenith Stereo Restoration Part 2

I received the tubes, a new phono cartridge and needle this week! After installing everything the sound was definitely better but the right channel is still louder than the left one. I pulled the amplifier chassis out and tested the capacitors. These capacitors are of the older paper wound variety and they have a tendency to dry out and fail. After I tested three with the results being bad I decided to just replace them all.

I started looking for these capacitors on the internet and found it hard to find them. They’re non polarized high voltage caps with the leads in an axial configuration meaning they have a lead on each end like a resistor. After searching long enough I found them on the Allied Electronics website. I’ve ordered them and should have them all in a couple weeks. Some were on back order.

In my searching I found several good sites about vintage electronic repair:

Antique Radio

Antique Electronic Supply

Just Radios

The last half of this weeks video explains how a phonograph produces sound from a needle in a groove on a record. For a more in depth explanation visit this page:
Record Technology

needle in record groove

I hope you enjoy this video and come away with an appreciation for this wonderful old technology that all of us older folks grew up with.

Keep on hackin!

About Dino

Self taught electronics and hardware hacker.
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