EICO Model 147A Signal Tracer

I found this signal tracer at an antique festival here in North Carolina. The festival is a yearly event and there always someone there with some vintage electronics. As I was walking around the event this piece caught my attention. The seller wanted $20 for it, I offered $15 and we struck a deal. It’s in great condition and it still works quite well.

EICO (Electronic Instrument Corporation) was established in New York City in 1945 by radio repair business owner Harry Ashley to manufacture electronic test equipment in kit form. Their first product was an audible signal tracer.

In my research on this piece I found some good info.

Owner’s manual

Instruction manual

Info page on radiomuseum.org

Vintage signal tracer info

This week’s video.

Keep on hackin…

About Dino

Self taught electronics and hardware hacker.
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